Olivia Nortz

Olivia Nortz



Home State
Share your favorite Wittenberg memory
My favorite Wittenberg memory is any sunny spring day walking through and seeing campus bustle. People frolfing, out on porches, rollerblading, playing music and having fun. It’s comforting to see all your closest friends enjoying the little things in a a small area.
Extracurricular Activities
Orientation Assistant, Peer Mentor, Compass tutor, Integrated Media Corps, Frolf club, Outdoors club
Tell us why you chose Witt
I chose Witt for the common reason. The community. When I toured campus and watched the students interact you could tell this was a close knit place full of opportunities. A small school is a special thing not everyone gets to experience and I realized the rest of life after college is that “big school feeling.”
Please share any plans you have for after graduation
Project Manager for StoneX in Chicago
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