Wittenberg University Role-Playing Guild

The Wittenberg Role-Playing Guild provides a community for those interested in games on campus ranging from board games and role-playing games to miniatures and collectible card games, and even sometimes online games.

  • During the academic year we generally;
  • On Friday Nights we run Role-Playing One-shots of a wide variety of Game Systems and genres
  • On Saturday Nights we run Board Games from our wide collection of board games, as well as card games and even the occasional miniatures game
  • Once a month we hold a General Open Guild Meeting, usually the first Friday of the month
  • We also do group trips to local area gaming stores so we can check out what is new and maybe pick up a few things as well
  • Of course in March we hold our own Convention, WittCON!
RPGuild Shield


WittCon XX

  • Some General Guild posters you can print up to share:
  • RPGuild PosterRPGuild Poster

    (Click on the image to get the printable PDF)
  • Our Execs for Fall 2024-Spring 2025
    • GuildMaster: (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) H. "Lee" D.
    • Vice-GuildMaster (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Vacant
    • Scribe (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025) Katherine P.
    • GoldMonger (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Mickey M.
    • Apprentice (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Aysha J.

Upcoming Events

February 14th, 2025 8pm-midnight
Friday Night One Shot
Shouvlin 205

More Information: Star Wars Role-Playing Game (West End Games)

Star Wars: Privateers of Mandalore

Corsairs, and Raiders, and Pirates! Oh my!

You and your allies have been recruited by Baroness Lucretia Vizsla, Supreme Commander of The Mandalorian Army, to find, capture and seize any and all capital ships that cross your path. The good news is that if you capture 20 capital ships and bring them back to Mandalore, then you and your allies will have the opportunity to become full Mandalorians with all of the perks, rights and privileges of being true Mandalorians. The bad news is that if you fail you get nothing. Good luck

Star Wars Role-Playing Game (West End Games)

An action, combat-oriented Star Wars game in which players will be able to select the character of their choice from a mix of pre-generated Human and Alien characters. Prior knowledge of the Star Wars: West End Games system or prior experience playing Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game would be a plus.

February 15th, 2025, 2024 8pm-Midnight
Game Night
Every Saturday night we play games from our varied collections of games, from board games to card games and more in Shouvlin 205/203

More Information: Let’s Summon Demons

What are little Johnny, Suzy, and Fido supposed to do when the suburban droll has them down? I know: Let's Summon Demons! Whether you're building sadistic synergies with the "rotten" kids or sharing the love with the "sweet" kids, only the savviest (and luckiest!) player—the best Demon Summoner—will walk away a winner!

More Information: Power Hungry Pets

Every card has a number and a way to torment the other players. The higher the number, the more vicious the card. You only have two cards, so decide which to keep and which to use to backstab, steal from, or obliterate the other players. That’s right, you only ever need to make one choice at a time–it’s a breeze…until it isn’t! In the end, the person left with the highest card wins!

Other Games on hand

These are games that we will also have available to play

February 21st, 2025 8pm-midnight
Friday Night One Shot
Shouvlin 205

More Information: Vaesen


In dark forests, beyond the mountains, by black lakes in hidden groves. At your doorstep. In the shadows, something stirs. Strange beings. Twisted creatures, lurking at the edge of vision. Watching. Waiting. Unseen by most, but not by you. You see them for what they really are. Vaesen.

Welcome to the Mythic North – northern Europe of the nineteenth century, but not as we know it today. A land where the myths are real. A cold reach covered by vast forests, its few cities lonely beacons of industry and enlightenment – a new civilization dawning. But in the countryside, the old ways still hold sway. There, people know what lurks in the dark.

They know to fear it.

February 22nd, 2025 Noon-5pmish
Loot Run
Student Center Circle

More Information: Loot Run

A time for Guilders to get together and foray out to local shops to find some cool Loot to purchase!

If you are keen to join us on this loot run drop us an email by the friday before, so we can make sure we have enough vehicles for the trip. You do not have to make any purchases, you can just tag along for the fun time!

March 21st, 2025 8pm-9pmish
General Guild Meeting

More Information: General Guild Meeting

A time to discuss important things relating to the Guild, including but not limited to

  • Upcoming Events: One Shots
  • Upcoming Events: Game Nights
  • Upcoming Events: Loot Runs
  • Upcoming Events: WittCon XX!!
March 29th, 2025 10am-Midnight
WittCon XX
Steve vs. Sherman

The Strange Showdown between

Silly Steve and Salacious Sherman *

The Saga Starts

* and somehow a ketchup packet too

$10 for a day of gaming fun!

Contacting the Role-Playing Guild

To get in touch with us please feel free to drop us an e-mail at "RxPxGuildx@xwittenbergx.xedu"

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