Pay Day

We landed in the Bahamas 21 days ago and tomorrow is the final exam. As the end draws near we find ourselves reminiscing on all the fun we have had since the very beginning. It’s safe to say that the group would stay another week if we could.

This morning different research groups finished up their work in the field and in the lab. Some of us studied for our final exam on the beach. After a delicious pineapple pizza lunch we went to a site for our final snorkel that the group had previously voted on. The site chosen to be our last time under that cool water with a snorkel and mask was none other than Sue Point. With its amazing reef that was riddled with waving sea fans, it was as if San Salvador was beginning its final good-byes. A seemingly plain and ordinary snorkel—aside from the view—took a turn when a large number of us saw a rather big hawksbill sea turtle which stayed with us for over a half-hour. This was a very rare occasion and for some of us it could have made the trip if that was all that we had seen. After we partied with the turtle we made for shore and reflected on how much we would all miss this place. After the short period of reflection, we then proceeded to start our studying for the final exam. One of the greatest aspects of this class is the fact that we’re studying at all times for the most part. We find ourselves identifying plants, snails, fish and even birds as we pass by them. Sometimes we wish we could just have a day or two off, but in the end we only had three weeks which made every day so special to all of us. We have been putting forth much effort and hard work and tomorrow is pay day, it’s time to see what we have truly learned tomorrow on our three part final.

Will Cornacchione '16, Alex Owens '17, Dani Lacy '16, Levi Burns '15

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